Scarlet Tayla

Style Immortalised.

Be drop dead gorgeous in Scarlet-Tayla

Alternative bespoke wedding attire that makes you feel drop dead gorgeous. Working on a one to one basis with each client to create the outfit of their dreams to make their little dark hearts happy.

Scarlet-Tayla is a strong believer in being yourself and what better way to show the real you on your wedding day.

Say no to tradition and express yourself how you want.


Scarlet-Tayla is owned by Zoe, she has been sewing since hte age of 12, she studied Fashion at college and university while she was working as a barmaid in a bikers pub and joining a motorcycle club.

While at uni she managed to get work experience in Red or Dead head office London.

After university she worked as a sample cutter in a bridal company then went on to be a fashion designer, at one point she even ran a bomb disposal suit sewing room.

In 2000 she made her first wedding dress for her cousin and made the odd one every now and then while working full-time.

in 2005 she got married herslef and designed and made all the clothing, all based on a highwayman theme, her wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses started her corset obsession.

In 2006 she started making corsets for others and eventually Scarlet-Tayla was born while working many other jobs including alterations in men’s formal wear and a machinist for another alternative wedding company.

By the end of 2015 she decided to take the plunge and go fully self employed.

She’s also glad she made the jump and over the years she has loved creating the perfect-wedding attire many customers.

Whether you know exactly what you want ot you’re not sure contact Scarlet-Tayla and Zoe will arrange a free consultation with you to look at fabric samples and design ideas.


  • I’m homes based in a village called Kingsbury near Tamworth Staffordshire

  • Yes I do, I’m happy to work with anyone that would like a bespoke outfit?

  • I will cater for all shapes and sizes

  • Yes, they will 100% support your bust, no need to wear a bra with a corset

  • Due to being bespoke I can never really answer this question as it varies from person to person dependent on what they want. However as a rough guide wedding dresses usually around £1850 to £3000, Suits from £1600 and corsets from £500

  • This is something I’m working on and as soon as it’s ready I will announce it on my social media


10% off when TilDeath is quoted when you book your first consultation


Articles featuring Scarlet Tayla:


Sea of Curiosities


The Snashfolds